Teachers Recruitment Board, Government of Tamil Nadu planned to conduct the Computer based examination for Direct Recruitment for the post of Lecturers in Government Polytechnic Colleges and Special Institutions (Engineering / Non Engineering) Tamil Nadu Educational Service.
The Computer based examination will consist of a single paper of 3 hours duration with 150 MCQs as follows:
Subject |
Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Main Subject (Physics) |
1 Mark questions : 100 |
100 |
2 Marks questions : 40 |
80 |
General Knowledge |
1 Mark questions : 10 |
10 |
Total : 150 |
190 |
Syllabus: http://trb.tn.nic.in/poli2019/PHY.pdf
E2 Academy planned to conduct a Online Test Series for TRB Polytechnic aspirants, to boost a confidence, to train themselves & strengthen exam endurance.
Special Features of Test Series:
- One Set Question Paper is split into 15 parts, for easily attending. Whenever have a short time you can attend the Test, no need to wait for complete stretch of 3 hours.
- This is fully online test series, you can attend through any device like mobile, tablet, laptop or PC with a normal internet.
- After submitting daily test, you will get a detailed analysis of the test which includes how many marks & correct answers for each question.
- At the end of individual test practice, complete set of question paper is conducted as a Single Online Test, to know your level.
- First we start with previous years question papers and many practice test series are coming soon!
Registration Instructions:-
- To attend online test series you need to login to E2 Academy LMS website: https://lms.e2a.co.in.
- If you are a first time user, you can create an account by clicking CREATE NEW ACCOUNT button and fill the necessary details and submit. After submitting you will receive a verification email from admin@e2a.co.in with a subject line of E2 Academy LMS: account confirmation. Open the email and Click the Confirmation link.That’s All! Your account is activated.
- Now you can Login into your account by entering your user name & password.
- Note: Sometimes the account confirmation email may be received in SPAM folder. Please search by typing admin@e2a.co.in or E2 Academy LMS and please marked as a not Spam and add admin@e2a.co.in into your contacts for future email will received in Inbox.
- Online Test Series Enrollment Instructions:-
Choose the Online Test Series on TRB Polytechnic Physics Course from the list of available Courses. (Available Courses can be get by Clicking Site Home.) or Click the TRB Physics in menu bar under Courses or Click https://lms.e2a.co.in/course/view.php?id=6
- After Open the course using anyone of the above method, Click the Enroll Me Button
- That’s all, you enrolled into the course.
- After enrollment, you can attend the tests.
- Have any issues, feel free to reach us through the following:
- Mobile/SMS/ Whatsapp/ Telegram: 8667080269
- Email: learn@e2a.co.in
You can also attend Online Tests using our Android Mobile App: Download App
Link: http://e2a.co.in/E2_Academy.apk
Trb polytechnic exam physics coaching