E2 Academy
Free Online
Hands on Training on Octave
August 08 – 09, 2020

Course Overview
This training programme is dedicated for those who would like to know an open source (free) alternative program to the commercial MATLAB package. The two-day training provides comprehensive information on installation of Octave in Windows/ Linux oprating Systems and performing the OCTAVE package for scientific/ engineering calculations. The training recipients are beginners but also those who know the program and would like to systematize their knowledge and improve their skills. Knowledge of other programming languages is not required, but it will greatly facilitate the learners’ acquisition of knowledge. The course will show you how to use the program in many practical examples.
What you’ll learn
- The Journey og GNU Octave
- Installation of Octave in Windows/ Linux oprating Systems
- Starting Octave, Octave as a calculator, built-in functions
- To handle data files
- To plot graphics and save them in pdf and jpg formats
- To write interactive programs
- To use Control statements if, ifelse, for, while…
- Matrix Operations
- To solve linear & nonlinear equations
Programme Date & Time:
Batch I : Programme is Daily 10:00 am to 11.30 am on August 08 – 09, 2020. But technical support will be provided through out a day.
Batch II : Advance Programme of 5 Days will be announced soon.
Online Platform
All the Sessions will be conducted through Moodle as a Webinar and login details is unique for each registered participants and it will be send by mail prior to the start of the programme.
Medium of Instructions is English
About the Course Instructor
Dr. D. Aravinthan is a Course Instructor and holds Ph.D. in Physics & Post Graduate degree in Management from Bharathidasan University. The course instructor have a very good knowledge and experience in various programming languages. He is the Course Instructor of Computational Laboratory (C Programming), Advance Computational Laboratory (MATLAB/ Octave) Courses in Department of Physics, Central University of Tamilnadu, Thiruvarur for the past two years. Presently he is working as a Guest Faculty in Department of Physics, Central University of Tamilnadu, Thiruvarur.
Who can Register?
- Academics, students and researchers interested inlearning about Octave or enriching their Octave skills.
- Anyone looking an open source (free) alternates for Commercial MATLAB package.
No Registration Fee.
Since it is a hands-on training programme, the number of seats is limited and stricitly based on prior registration and first come first basis.
Last Date for Registration : August 07, 2020, 06:00 pm
Email: learn@e2a.co.in
Mobile & WhatsApp : +91 8667080269
For more details & Registration : https://e2a.co.in/shop/octave/
After registration, participants are requested to join the following Telegram group link for further communications. Telegram Group Link: https://t.me/joinchat/QlOZIhcsuO0NX_JkA7ECwg